
2010年2月2日、米国精神分析学会(APsaA)会長のPrudence Gourguechon博士が、Psychology Todayのブログで"don't ask, don't tell"(DADT)(米軍の、同性愛者・両性愛者が性的指向を明らかにしたら解雇するというポリシー)の見直しを評価し、APsaAは軍人の福利の面からDADTに反対する立場をとってきたと述べたというニュース。



  • 支えてほしいときに故郷のパートナーや友人と自由に連絡がとれないため、ストレスレベルが増加する軍人が見受けられる
  • 性的指向を隠すことによる感情面での負担が、記録により十分立証されている
  • DADTのもとでの生活は孤立感を深め、ストレス障害への脆弱性を高める

APsaA's research and clinical experience adds the following psychological ill effects of DADT to the social and military problems mentioned in the Times editorial:

  • Increased stress levels are seen in soldiers who are not able to freely access partners and friends back home for needed support
  • The emotional toll of keeping sexual orientation hidden is well-documented
  • Increased isolation of those living under DADT leads to greater vulnerability to stress-related disorders



Empirical evidence, as well as comparative data from foreign militaries and domestic police and fire departments shows that when lesbians, gay men and bisexuals are allowed to serve openly there is no evidence of disruption. APsaA recognizes and abhors the many detrimental effects the policy has had on individual service members, the military and the United States society since the enactment of Title 10 section 654 in 1994. Years of psychological research and experience have shown the extensive mental toll of keeping one's sexual orientation hidden. Mandating a ban on self disclosure of sexual orientation for personnel in uniform is thus unnecessarily harmful to their mental health and well being. It also creates ethical dilemmas for military mental health providers.

Under the current government policy, lesbian, gay and bisexual military members must be vigilant not to inadvertently disclose their sexual orientation. They are unable to contact their partners and loved ones openly via phone or e-mail when away from home for fear of being discovered. On military forms they cannot list their partners as "next of kin" when they are to be notified in an emergency. At such specific times of distress or emergency, these individuals are isolated and restricted from having equally unguarded and honest access to the support of their loved ones and families.

日本でもよく聞かれがちな「同性愛も両性愛も個人の勝手、だが人目につかないところでやれ」論の身勝手さ・残酷さがよくわかる意見です。前線で生命の危機にさらされているときでさえパートナーの存在を隠し続けねばならず、死んでも財産も遺せないだなんて、同性愛者/両性愛者の命は使い捨てですか。今回のPrudence Gourguechon氏の発言が、マレン米統合参謀本部議長パウエル元国務長官の発言と同じく、DADT撤廃への追い風となってくれたらいいと思います。


単語・語句 意味
APsaA The American Psychoanalytic Association、米国精神分析学会
revise 見直す、見直して改める
serviceman 軍人
editorial 社説、論説
ill effect 悪影響
toll 犠牲、代償、被害、代価
well-documented 文書[記録]により十分に立証された
Empirical 経験による
disrupution 混乱、崩壊
detrimental 有害な、不利益の
enactment 立法化
extensive 広範囲な、大規模な、多数の
personnel 人員、全職員
vigilant 絶えず警戒を怠らない、油断のない、用心深い
next of kin 近親者、(遺言を残さずに死亡した人の財産相続権を与えられる)最近縁者
distress 危難、災難、難儀、ピンチ