



Grey Mare Lane犯罪捜査課のAlex Nicholson捜査官は、事件の情報を募りつつも、この種の事件は「非常に稀」であると強調しているそうです。以下、捜査官の言葉。

"I want to reassure those who live or socialise in the city centre that these are exceptional circumstances and crimes of this nature are very rare.



僕は何年も前、まだ男性間のレイプが犯罪とみなされなかった(なぜなら男はレイプされようがないから[原文ママ]!)頃にレイプされたよ! ありがたいことに、今では犯罪行為だけど。
僕が襲われたときは、加害者が16歳未満だからという理由で僕が逮捕され、あやうく起訴されるところだったよ! 16歳未満には、犯罪を起こす能力があまり、もしくはまったくないとみなされたんだ。性犯罪も含めてだよ。それにどの道、男性間レイプなんてものは存在しなかったんだから!
I was raped years ago when male rape wasn't a crime! [Because a male could never be raped! sic] Thankfully it is NOW a criminal offence.
Are these gradual increases in male rape a sign that Homosexuality is being subliminally accepted, especially amonst Asians or Muslims; or is it that the Police and Media are now more understanding and kinder, so that we now feel more comfortable and secure when we report this vile crime.
I was arrested and almost charged when I was raped years ago as my attacker was aged UNDER 16! Under 16's were not considered capable of commiting many/any offences, including Sexual Crimes and anyway, there was no such thing as Male Rape!
I thought that I was going to be killed during my encounter and I suspect that this victim had the very same thoughts.
I wish him every piece of my love available to help him reach some kind of closure.
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Comment by BouncerMan in Black ― January 15, 2010 @ 21:01


I'm sad to hear of your experience but, alas, your treatment by the police was not unusual. I was raped by another woman a few years ago and the indifference the police showed was staggering: the woman in charge of the investigation went on a two week holiday the day after I reported the crime and no one interviewed the Rapist or continued the investigation in any way until after she got back. They then took another week to carry out any interviews and sent me a letter three weeks later saying they would not be continuing with the investigation as it was 'my word against hers.' They just don't give a fvck.
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Comment by theotherone ― January 15, 2010 @ 21:09

ちょっと調べてみたところ、UKでは1994年にSexual Offences actが改正され、男性に対するレイプも女性に対するレイプと同等の犯罪であるとみなされるようになったようです*1。それでもまだこんなレイプ事件は起こっているし、コメント欄によれば、数年前に女性に襲われた女性も、警察でひどい目に遭わされている。実に暗澹たる思いです。この事件の犯人がさっさと捕まって厳正な法の裁きを受けることを祈ります。


単語・語句 意味
CID 犯罪捜査課、刑事部、刑事捜査課
be in charge of the investigation 捜査の責任者である
your word/s against mine That the two of you are telling different versions of what happened, and it will be up to others to decide which one of you they will believe.